Isnin, 17 Januari 2011

Some Important Theories of Leadership

Leadership plays very important role in helping both human and organizations to be successful. Many theories have so far been created to talk about leadership, but they are applied and implemented in different situation and time. Some of those theories have extensively used, and those are:   
A-Great Man Theory: This theory is created by Carlyle in the late 19th and early 20th century, and it said that “Leaders are born, not made”.
B-Power and Influence Theory: It is established by Turner in 2005, and it main concept is related to (1) Social power (power through people), (2) Coercive power (power over people), and (3) Influence generated by the leaders.
C-Behaviorist Theory: This theory was established in 1950 by many theorists such as Mcgregor, Vroom, Yelton & Jago, Robert Black & Mouton, Robert House, Rensis Likert, Hersey & Blanchard. The main idea of this theory is concerned with “Task behavior and Relationship behavior”.
D-Situational Theory: It was conducted by kenneth Blanchard & Paul Hersey in 1970, and it said that “Different circumstances required different forms of leadership”.
E-Contingency Theory: It was conducted by Fred Fiedler in 1970, and it derived from situational theory. It attempts to select situational variables which best indicate the appropriate style to suit the circumstances.
F-Transactional Theory: It conducted by Eric Berne in 1950, and it is called theory of “Telling Style” that includes:  (1) Contingent reward, (2) Passive management by exception, (3) Active management by exception, and (4) Laissez-faire. Moreover, these ideas have also been considered in terms of this theories: 1-Social systems work best with a clear chain of command., 2-When people have agreed to do a job; a part of the deal is that they cede all authority to their manager, and 3-The prime purpose of a subordinate is to do what their manager tells them to do.
G. Transformational Theory: It was conducted by James MacGregor Burns (1978), and it is called “Selling style” that includes:  (1) Charismatic but not narcissistic, (2) Idealized influence, (3) Individualize consideration, (4) Intellectual stimulation, and (5) Inspirational motivation. Furthermore, the following ideas should also be considered: -Followers are the products of transformation, -People will follow a person who inspires them, -A person with vision and passion can achieve great thing, and -The way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy.
H- Attribution Theory: It was conducted by Fritz Heider, Harold Kelley, Edward E. Jones, & Lee Ross, and this theory is concerned with the ways in which people explain (or attribute) the behavior of others or themselves (self-attribution) with something else.
I-Process Theory: It was established by George MacGregor Burns in 1978, and it said that leadership is moving from merely including the follower, to treating the leader and the follower as interdependent.
J-Functional Theory: It was written by Hackman & Walton in 1986 & McGrath in 1962, and it said that the leader’s main job is to see that whatever is necessary to group needs is taken care of.
What we should remember and put into practice!!!
1- Robert Waterman: Leaders act as coaches, not as bosses.
2- Field Marshal Slim: Men would rather be led than managed.
3- Rensis Likert: Leaders or managers have to know the situation that they can use their leverage.
4- Leonard Sayles: Leadership based on work issues, not just people’s issues.
5-Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries and Elizabeth Florent Treacy: Team building
6-Robert Sharrock: Today’s leaders have to be pragmatic and flexible to survive.
7-Schwenk: Decision making needs to build from diversity of opinion rather than a simplistic statement of corporate interest.
8-Ron Heifetz and Don Laurie: Corporate leaders and organizations are now facing adaptive changes.
9-Neol Tichy: Leaders must invest in developing the leaders of to-morrow.
10-Manfred Ket de vries: Leaders like products have a lifecycle.
11-Peter Drucker: Leader should talk of “We rather than I.”

Sam Aun (Andy)

1 ulasan:

  1. Likert 4 Management Leadership Styles comes from the Famous psychologist Rensis Likert and his associates conducted extensive survey of management and leadership patterns in a large number of organizations.
