Selasa, 4 Januari 2011

What is Life Long Learning?

There are many approaches that are implemented by people to make their life and organizations better. One of those successful approaches is Lifelong learning (LLL). Lifelong Learning is absolutely compulsory for everyone and it becomes a guider in leading to success for both family and work life. Related to this, different points of views about lifelong learning have been appeared. For example, lifelong learning is defined as the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual, and it occurs through experiences that are encountered in the course of a lifetime. These experiences could be (1) Formal learning that is always conducted at schools or arranged places, and these are included: training, counseling, tutoring, mentorship, apprenticeship, or higher education and (2) Informal learning that is related to what we learn from outside class or society, and these are included: experiences or situations. Moreover, lifelong learning can also be defined as lifelong, voluntary, and self-motivated in pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons and this does not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also competitiveness and employability. According to Jacques Delors, four pillars of education for lifelong learning and its future have been conducted:
A. Learning to know: It is related to mastering learning tools rather than acquisition of structured knowledge.
B. Learning to do: It concerns with equipping people for the types of work needed now and in the future including innovation and adaptation of learning to future work environments.
C. Learning to live together and with others: It is about peacefully resolving conflict, discovering other people and their cultures, fostering community capability, individual competence and capacity, economic resilience, and social inclusion.
D. Learning to be: It is a kind of education contributing to a person’s complete development included mind and body, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic appreciation and spirituality.
In addition, Lifelong learning is also related to knowledge, and this knowledge consists of  (5 ks)
A. Knowing about: It means knowing the news, events, basics of a field, or introductory concepts.
B. Knowing to do: It means knowing hoe to drive a car, solve a math problem, code a program, or conduct research.
C. Knowing to be: It means knowing hoe to embody knowledge with humanity, to be a doctor or psychologist, to be an ethical person, to be compassionate, to relate, or to feel.
D. Knowing where: It means knowing how to find knowledge when needed, web search, library, database, an organization, or knowing who to approach for assistance.  
E. Knowing to transform: It means knowing how to tweak, to adjust, to recombine, to align with reality, or to innovate.  
                                                          Sam Aun (Andy)

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