Ahad, 2 Januari 2011

The Core Competencies of Leaders

As Bennis said “To survive in the 21st century we are going to need a new generation leaders, not managers, and that is why everyone wants to be a leader. In relation to leadership, many people share different views of becoming a leader. Harry Truman said “A leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they do not want to do and like it”. Some others said leaders are born, not made, or Great leaders will arise when there is a great need. Even though they have different views about leaders, at the end it can concluded that leaders should have the following core competencies (Bennis):
(1). Management of attention is the fist core competency of a leader. The vision of leaders is that they have to pay much attention and commitment of subordinates who have worked for them, and with them, they can attempt to achieve the desired purposes.
(2). Management of meaning is the second core competency of a leader. The leaders are skilled communicators, they are able to cut through the complexity to frame issues in simple images and language, and they are also expert distillers of information.  
(3). Management of trust is the third core competency of leaders. Trust plays very important role for every body and the organization. For the leaders, trust is expressed through consistency of purpose and their dealing with colleagues, subordinates and some others. The leaders, in every time, remember that they are admired although some people do not agree.
(4). Management of self is the last core competency of leaders. The leaders are judged as indicators, guiders, communicators, teachers, and helpers. They are adept at identifying and fully utilizing their strengths, accepting and seeking to develop the areas of weakness.
Last but not least, every one is not born wise, and that is what a leader has to keep in mind.  According to Peter Drucker, he said that leaders use the word “We” not “I”.   
Sam Aun (Andy)

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