Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

The Effective Learning Styles

                                          The Greatest danger to our future is apathy. (Jane Goodall)
There are many learning styles that are used by the learners in order to achieve their purposes. Aristotle wrote that “To learn is a natural pleasure, not confined to philosophers, but common to all men.  Although learning may be natural to humankind, all people do not learn in the same way. There are diverse styles of learning that affect that affect the way in which learners learn and processes information. Preferred learning styles differ among people and from one learner to another.  However, there are 4 learning styles that are considered to be the subject for all the learners (Porter, 2004, pp. 242-247).
A. Cognitive style: Learners from different cultures may perceive their environment and information differently. This different way of perceiving and processing the information is known as cognitive style. This cognitive style is included:
1). Field independence versus Field sensitivity: It means the learners perceive the environment and the emphasis by depending on the fields. For example, some learners may tend to see the forest whereas the others see the threes.
2). Cooperation versus Competition: This depends mainly on whether the learners want to work in groups or individual to compete with one another
 3). Trial & error versus Watch & then do”: Some learners want to try out and then learn from the occurred mistakes, but the others will observe first and then do it.
4). Tolerance versus Intolerance for ambiguity: This depends on the learners themselves. Some may have along tolerance whereas others have short tolerance in doing things.
B. Communication style: Communication is really vital for all learners. They can interact and exchange the information from each other by communication, and these can be:
            1). Direct versus indirect communication: Communication happens in both direct and indirect manner, and it banks on the learners themselves which styles they like in terms of relation.
            2). Formal versus informal communication: Formal communication always takes place in the workplace whereas the informal communication happens freely.
            3). Verbal versus non-verbal communication: Some learners like using gestures in learning whereas the others like talking, chatting, or speaking.
            4). Topic-centered communication versus Topic-associating communication:
C. Relational style: This is related to the relationship between one and another during learning. It can be teachers and learners or learners and mentors. This style of learning can be in the forms of the following:
            1). Dependent versus Independent learning: This can be, for example, students need support, guidance, or explanation from teachers, or they can read the books and learn themselves themselves.
            2). Participatory versus Passive learning: Some learners like joining learning, but the others like being quiet in learning such as staying alone in the room or sitting in the quiet and peaceful place. 
            3). Reflectivity versus impulsivity: This is related to how long will the learners take to consider of the problem. Some learners like to take a deep consideration of the matter, but the others like to do it immediately.  
            4). Oral & visual: This is concerned with learning by reading and watching. Some learners like to read in order to get the information whereas the others like watching to get what they need to know.
            5). Energetic learning versus calm learning: This style of learning focuses on learning by moving or mediating. Some learners want to learn by doing moving back and forth, but the others like learning by heart.
D. Motivation Style: Some learners want to achieve their purposes, and that is why they always motivate themselves, and think positively. They thought that what they do will give them the results and these expected results become the stimuli for them. This style of learning is included:
1). Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation: The learners have both inside and outside motivation in order to get over the desired goals.
2). Learning on demand versus learning on what is relevant or interesting: This style plays a crucial role for every learner whether he/she learns on what she/he wants now or just for what he/she likes.
Finally, the learners can have any style they like, but what is absolutely necessary for them is that how they can achieve it. They have to learn how to learn, re-learn, unlearn or follow formal, informal, or non-formal.
Sam Aun (Andy)

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