Ahad, 2 Januari 2011

The Difference between Independent Study (IS), & Thesis, and Thesis & Dissertation

Almost all the students always confuse between Independent Study and Thesis or Thesis and Dissertation when they are required to write by their advisors to fulfill their study. In relation to the difference of each factor, the following ideas can be suggested:
(1). Differences between independent study and thesis: This is a type of writing that is suggested by the advisors for master students, and the form of writing is quite similar to thesis. Even though it has the same format, there is a little bit difference between the two, and that is:
(a). Thesis covers many areas than Independent study.
(b). Thesis is required to find more evidence than than Independent Study.
(c). Thesis is more scientific than Independent Study.
(d). Thesis takes longer time than Independent Study.
(e). Thesis needs more money than Independent Study.
(f). Thesis can be used as a guide for Phd degree.
            (2). Differences between Thesis and Dissertation: Many scholars give different definitions about the meaning of Thesis, and those are:
            (a). Webster (1950, p. 753) defined dissertation as (1) discourse, debate, & discussion, (2) an extended treatment of a subject, especially in writing, a disquisition, an essay, thesis, & treatise. He also added that thesis as a dissertation embodying results of original research (p. 2624)
            (b). Davidson (1977, p. 12) defined dissertation as a spoken or written treatment of a subject in which the subject is discussed at length, a written essay, treatise, thesis, especially on written for the degree of doctor of philosophy. As thesis definition reveals, there is no clear distinction between the term thesis and dissertation. In fact, a thesis is dissertation on a particular subject in which one has done original research, as one presented for a diploma or degree, especially a master’s degree.
            (c). In universities in United States, the term thesis refers to the work done for a master’s degree and dissertation for doctoral degree. This distinction is not universally accepted. For example, Harvard University and University of Washington refer to thesis as dissertation.     
                                                                        Sam Aun (Andy)

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