Ahad, 2 Januari 2011

How to Write a Good Thesis

The form for writing a good thesis is different from one faculty to another, and it depends mainly on the advisors. Although the form of thesis is differently advised, it inevitably covers the following crucial criteria:
(A). A good thesis is related a good and attractive topic. A good topic of thesis comprises of these factors: (1). It is about way of writing (short, simple, and easy to understand), and (2). It indicates who the population is, where it will be written and what method will be used. For example, “The Factors Influencing on Learning Organization at NA Company in Cambodia”, the population is employer and employer at NA Company, place is NA company in Cambodia, and the method is quantitative research, but it will qualitative research if the topic started with the words “Attitude or behavior”.
(B). A good thesis is concerned with a good introduction. The introduction is included:  (1). Statement or significance of the problem: why this topic is written, what the main problem is, and it is suggested to written in a form of essay. (2). Research questions, (3). Purposes of the research: The research questions and purposes have to go along well with each other and at least two or three are suggested to be written. The research purposes should be written with “To find out the relation, To find out the effect, To find out the difference, To compare, To study, To evaluate, To examine, To provide, To determine, To demonstrate, and some others. Related to the topic above, the purpose and the question should be “What are factors influencing on learning organization at NA..?And the purpose is “To find out the factors influencing on learning organization in NA Company in Cambodia, (4). Hypothesis plays an important role for every researcher. It is what the researcher has to find out whether it is true as determined or not. For instance, in relation to the above topic, the hypothesis can be “Leadership influences on learning organization in NA Company”, (5). Scope of research is included independent variable (Leadership, management,…), dependent variable (Peter Seng, LO, 1990: System thinking, Mental model, Shared vision, Personal mastery, & Team learning) , research area: population & place and the duration of the research: How long the research will be conducted, (6). Operational definition : It is only related to the main words such as what is leadership, management, Learning organization..), and (7). Expected benefits: What we expect to get from this topic. For example, It will be beneficial to exactly know what factors influence on the organization,….
(C). A good thesis is related to a good literature review. Literature review is included: (1). Meaning of Learning organization, for example. Who defined something related to learning organization is required to include. For example, Peter Senge defined that LO is …., (2). Theories & Concepts: All the theories and concepts that are only related and supported to the topic (LO). For example, According to (Argyris, 1985, p. ..) wrote that LO mainly focus knowledge management…, (3). Research related result: Who have conducted the researches that are relevant to our own topic and hypothesis. For instance, Mr. K conducted the research “Factors …..on LO at….”and the result find that leadership influences on learning organization…, Related research document: Document related to NA company, and (4) Conceptual framework: This is from the summarization of all the theories and concepts. For example, Independent variables: Leadership & Management (influence) Dependent variables: (Peter Senge,1990, System thinking, Mental model, Shared vision, Personal mastery, & Team learning)
(D). A good thesis is related to a good research methodology. It includes (1). Population & sample: For example, Population: 300 workers in NA, but sample is taken only 129 to be studied (use formula to calculate), (2) Research instrument: Questionnaire or interview, (3) Research measurement: Theories & concepts, related research results, Related research document, (4). Pilot study: Trying out to test the reliability of the questionnaire of interview (Always with similar work place & only 30 respondents), (5). Data collection: Distribute the questionnaire to the respondents, (6). Data analysis: Use computer program if quantitative, but discussion if qualitative, and (7). Interpretation: For example, questionnaire is rank with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, what 1, 2, 3.. means …agree, disagree, strongly agree or…..
(E). A good thesis is related to a good result of Data analysis: It is from computer program or discussion and summarization if qualitative research.
(F). A good thesis is related to a good conclusion, discussion & recommendation. All are from summarization of C, E, & E.  
                                              Sam Aun (Andy)

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