Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

The Primary Functions of Human Resource Development

Busy hands fill the mouth!!!!!!!!

Human resource development can be a stand-alone function or a part of function within human resource department, human resource wheel. It is established when there are greater diversities in the workforce, more people involved in knowledge work, greater expectations in meaningful work and employee involvement, and shifts in nature between employees and organizations (Pat Mclagan). Related to human resource wheel, three primary functions of human resource development have been identified as follow:
A. Training and development: Training involved providing the employees the knowledge and skills needed to do a particular task or job. Development involved preparing for future work responsibilities and increasing capacities of employees to perform their current jobs. It can be said that training and development focuses on changing or improving the knowledge, skills, ability, and attitudes of individuals. The shape of training can be in the form of employee orientation, counseling, skills and technical training programs, or management training and development programs.     
B. Organizational development: It is defined as the process of enhancing the effectiveness of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions that apply behavioral science concepts. It comprises of micro and macro changes. Micro changes are directed at individuals; small groups, or teams, whereas macro changes are intended to improve the effectiveness of the organizations. It can be said, in terms of human resource development, it is a change gent that requires facilitating, consulting, advising planning, implementing, or intervening with others to link to changes.  
C. Career development: It is an ongoing process by which individuals’ progress through a series of stages characterized by a set of issues, themes and tasks. It involves two-distinct process, career plan and career management. Career planning involves activities performed by individuals with the assistance of counselors or others in order to assess their skills and abilities in establishing realistic career plan. Career management involves taking necessary steps to achieve that plan, and it mainly focus on what organizations can do to foster career development.  
Sam Aun (Andy)

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